Variable access to ATMPs across Europe

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Dramatic differences in access to ATMPs across Europe are highlighted in a new analysis based on data from 11 national pharmaceutical associations. The report is available exclusively to association members, but the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif) has published the top-line data on the number of cell and gene therapies that had full or restricted access in each of the markets under review as of 31st December 2023.

The study covered 18 medicines: Abecma, Alofisel, Breyanzi, Carvykti, Ebvallo, Hemgenix, Holoclar, Imlygic, Kymriah, Libmeldy, Luxturna, Roctavian, Spherox, Strimvelis, Tecartus, Upstaza, Yescarta and Zolgensma.

Germany reimbursed by far the largest number of ATMPs—16 out of 18 drugs. The United Kingdom ranked second: eight treatments had full access and a further three restricted access.

In all of the other countries included in the study, fewer than half of ATMPs had access.

The Netherlands granted eight ATMPs full access, while Belgium gave three products full access and five restricted access.

Greece had by far the lowest coverage of ATMPs among the 11 countries, with just one product granted full access and a second having restricted access.

In Denmark, just two cell and gene therapies had full access and three restricted access. On average, the time from marketing authorisation to recommendation by the Danish Medicines Council was 807 days.


Variable access to ATMPs across Europe



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