Regolamento (UE) n. 536/2014: LIVE!

Immagine News

Today, 31st January 2022, the Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 (CTR) is officially live!

EFPIA press release available here

the European Commission published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR), a new law regulating clinical trials will come into force in the EU on 31 January 2022, replacing the existing law in phases, as follows:

  • 2022: Both new and old law run in parallel​
  • 2023: All new studies must be under the CTR​
  • 2025: All ongoing studies must be under the CTR​


 This introduces a new, EMA-hosted electronic portal (CTIS) that will manage​:

  • Initial application and amendments​
  • Notification of clinical trial milestones (such as FPFV, LPLV)​
  • Safety reporting​
  • Reporting of study results​
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