NICE: Positive recommendations for elranatamab and teclistamab for multiple myeloma treatments

On 9 August 2024 NICE recommended 2 new treatments for multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer that affects bone marrow, in draft guidance issued for public consultation - In total we’ve now made 14 positive recommendations for multiple myeloma treatments in the past 5 years. - Positive recommendations for elranatamab are open for consultation until 9 August 2024 and teclistamab until 13 August 2024. Teclistamab and elranatamab are immunotherapies that work by redirecting T-cells to multiple myeloma cells and helping to destroy them. Both are given by injection under the skin. - The recommendations are ‘optimised’ which means the treatments were approved with some modifications to the population the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency licence covers.